• +38 (068) 729-92-48
  • +38 (050) 520-36-15

BITZER Compressors

Bitzer Compressor

No Type Volumetric productivity(capacity), m3/hour Qo, Вт, tK=+450С(R404A)
to=00С to=-100С to=-200С to=-300С
1 Bitzer Compressor 2KC-05.2Y 4.06 2620 1720 1050 550
2 Bitzer Compressor 2JC-07.2Y 5.21 3570 2380 1490 830
3 Bitzer Compressor 2HC-1.2Y 6.51 - 3000 1890 1070
4 Bitzer Compressor 2HC-2.2Y 6.51 4590 3080 1950 1100
5 Bitzer Compressor 2GC-2.2Y 7.58 5240 3550 2280 1330
6 Bitzer Compressor 2FC-2.2Y 9.52 - 4410 2850 1690
7 Bitzer Compressor 2FC-3.2Y 9.52 6580 4470 2870 1690
8 Bitzer Compressor 2EC-2.2Y 11.36 - 5420 3510 2090
9 Bitzer Compressor 2EC-3.2Y 11.36 8140 5540 3570 2120
10 Bitzer Compressor 2DC-2.2Y 13.42 - 6310 4060 2400
11 Bitzer Compressor 2DC-3.2Y 13.42 9440 6410 4120 2430
12 Bitzer Compressor 2CC-3.2Y 16.24 - 7850 5090 3050
13 Bitzer Compressor 2CC-4.2Y 16.24 11530 7860 5090 3050
14 Bitzer Compressor 4FC-3.2Y 18.05 - 8630 5580 3330
15 Bitzer Compressor 4FC-5.2Y 18.05 12750 8680 5600 3320
16 Bitzer Compressor 4EC-4.2Y 22.72 - 10700 6920 4110
17 Bitzer Compressor 4EC-6.2Y 22.72 16130 10950 7040 4140
18 Bitzer Compressor 4DC-5.2Y 26.84 - 13120 8490 5070
19 Bitzer Compressor 4DC-7.2Y 26.84 19150 12980 8320 4860
20 Bitzer Compressor 4CC-6.2Y 32.48 - 15830 10300 6210
21 Bitzer Compressor 4CC-9.2Y 32.5 23100 15860 10360 6250
22 Bitzer Compressor 4TC-8.2Y 41.3 - 20600 13220 7800
23 Bitzer Compressor 4TC-12.2Y 41.3 30200 20400 13030 7580
24 Bitzer Compressor 4PC-10.2Y 48.5 - 24000 15380 9030
25 Bitzer Compressor 4PC-15.2Y 48.5 36300 24500 15540 8960
26 Bitzer Compressor 4NC-12.2Y 56.2 - 27700 17820 10480
27 Bitzer Compressor 4NC-20.2Y 56.2 42100 28300 17890 10290
28 Bitzer Compressor 4J-13.2Y 63.5 - 32100 20900 12580
29 Bitzer Compressor 4J-22.2Y 63.5 47200 32100 20700 12330
30 Bitzer Compressor 4H-15.2Y 73.6 - 37500 24600 14980
31 Bitzer Compressor 4H-25.2Y 73.6 54400 37100 24000 14300
32 Bitzer Compressor 4G-20.2Y 84.5 - 43100 28400 17400
33 Bitzer Compressor 4G-30.2Y 84.5 62900 43000 29700 16710
34 Bitzer Compressor 6J-22.2Y 95.3 - 48200 31300 18800
35 Bitzer Compressor 6J-33.2Y 95.3 71100 48200 30800 17980
36 Bitzer Compressor 6H-25.2Y 110.5 - 56100 36700 22300
37 Bitzer Compressor 6H-35.2Y 110.5 81700 55600 36000 21400
38 Bitzer Compressor 6G-30.2Y 126.8 - 63500 41600 25300
39 Bitzer Compressor 6G-40.2Y 126.8 94000 64300 41900 25200
40 Bitzer Compressor 6F-40.2Y 151.6 - 75700 49100 29500
41 Bitzer Compressor 6F-50.2Y 151.6 111300 76300 49900 30400
42 Bitzer Compressor 8GC-60.2Y 185 131800 90500 58800 -
43 Bitzer Compressor 8FC-70.2Y 221 156000 107100 69600 -

*Types of compressors from 2KC-05.2 to 4CC-9.2 are equipped with electric crankcase heaters, and compressors from 4TC-8.2 to 8FC-70.2 - electric heater crankcase and MP54.
**Volumetric productivity (m3/hour) at 50Hz

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